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Persönliche, vollumfängliche Online-Schulung zur BattVO
Fit für die EU Batterieverordnung

Erfahren Sie, welche Anforderungen die neue EU BattVO an Sie stellt und wie Sie in Ihrem speziellen Fall damit umgehen. Sie erhalten umfassende Informationen zur Umsetzung Ihrer Pflichten in Bezug auf Kennzeichnung, Batteriepass, EPR und Sorgfaltspflichten in der Lieferkette.


GPSR and selling on marketplaces - what will change? - LIVE- Freitag, 13.12.2024,
10:00 - 11:00


Das Webinar ist auf Englisch

The GPSR Regulation imposes a number of new requirements on marketplaces and puts them in the role of verifying that manufacturers are meeting all their obligations. On 13 December, the day the new GPSR Regulation comes into force, our two compliance experts: Magda and Lisa will tell you what you need to do in our last live webinar of the year.


  • GPSR - backgrounds
  • Risk Assesment
  • Labelling and Safety and Warning Information
  • EU Authorised Representative
  • F&Q Session

Note: Please also register for the webinar if the date does not suit you. In this case, you will automatically receive an email with the link to the recording 24 hours after the webinar. In this way, you can watch the webinar at a later time of your choice at any time.

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